After a long and disappointing fall where repeated attempts to plan DVS events were sabotaged by the COVID-19 crisis, we have now bundled all of the good plans from the past months into a single on-line Virtual New Year’s gathering!
This event takes place on Saturday, January 9th 2021, from 1600h – 1730h CET.
The programme, led by musician and journalist Heather Kurzbauer, is as follows:
- Musical introduction with the 3 violas
- Online chat with violist Jennifer Stumm
- Viola Quiz (and meet the DVS Board)
- DVS Past and Future by new chairman Kristofer Skaug
- Viola Pitch – what’s on your mind? here’s your 2 free minutes of airtime!
Sign up (mandatory, but free!) below.
After receipt of your confirmation mail, shortly before the actual event you will receive a second mail with further instructions for connecting to the conference. We intend to use Jitsi Meet, so no software installation will be required on your side.