The renowned Zemtsov family organizes their unique yearly masterclass for viola students and advanced amateur players from all over the world in the Bovendonk Conference Center in Hoeven ( Associated with this is an extensive programme of workshops, lectures and chamber music concerts under the title “MASTERFEST 2023“, from February 27th – March 5th.
The concerts feature top artists such as Daniel Rowland (violin), Floor LeCoutre (violin), Dana Zemtsov (viola), Maya Bogdanovich (cello), Pau Codina (cello), Nicholas Schwartz (double bass), Anna Fedorova and Borys Fedorov (piano), and of course the Zemtsov Viola Quartet, plus selected students from the Masterclasses.
The full MASTERFEST programme can be found here, and to order tickets go here.
DVS Friends can buy tickets for all the public events in this programme with a special 10% Discount. To obtain the discount code, click here.