IVC 2023 – Salaya, Thailand

English version below

Het 48e International Viola Congress (IVC) is gehouden in Salaya, Thailand, van 6 t/m 10 juni 2023. Het was voor het eerst dat dit congres in Azië plaatsvond. Gastheer was Danny Keasler van de Thaïse Viola Society en de College of Music, Mahidol University. Het thema voor dit congres is “Music Without Borders”, en de speciale gastartiest was Ettore Causa. Hier is de website van het congres:


De Nederlandse delegatie telde maar liefst acht personen, waarvan de meesten uit het bestuur van de DVS. Bijdragen van nederlandse bodem waren als volgt:

  • Een workshop “Write your own Cadenza” met Karin Dolman
  • De recital “E Duo Multum“, met deelnemers en docenten van het in Nederland gevestigde International Viola Academy
  • De recital “Contemporary Dutch Works for the Viola” door Emlyn Stam, met werken van Leo Samama en Svitlana Azarova
  • Masterclass door Emlyn Stam

Verder hebben de meegereisde studenten ook hun bijdragen geleverd: Sunniva Skaug (Conservatorium van Amsterdam) won een 3e prijs in het concours “Choochart Pitaksakorn Viola Competition”, terwijl Sofie Booy en Sylven van Sasse (beiden van Codarts) aanvoerden in het groot Altvioolorkest.  Last but not least, de DVS heeft wederom gedetailleerde blogs geschreven van het congres, de verslagen zijn terug te vinden in de volgende posts: [Dag 1][Dag 2][Dag 3][Dag 4][Dag 5]


English version:

The 48th International Viola Congress (IVC) took place in Salaya, Thailand, from June 6th – 10th, 2023. It was the first time that the IVC was hosted in Asia. The host was Danny Keasler, president of the Thailand Viola Society, and the College of Music, Mahidol University. The congress theme was “Music Without Borders”, and the Featured Artist was Ettore Causa. Here is the Congress Website:


The Dutch delegation had eight members, most of which were from the DVS board. They delivered the following contributions to the congress:

  • A workshop “Write your own Cadenza” by Karin Dolman
  • The recital “E Duo Multum“, by teachers and participants of the Netherlands-based International Viola Academy
  • The recital “Contemporary Dutch Works for the Viola” by Emlyn Stam, with works by Leo Samama and Svitlana Azarova
  • Masterclass by Emlyn Stam

Furthermore, the Dutch students contributed in their own way. Sunniva Skaug (Conservatory of Amsterdam) won a 3rd Prize in the Choochart Pitaksakorn Viola Competition, while Sofie Booy and Sylven van Sasse (Codarts) were section leaders in the Mass Viola Orchestra.  Last but not least, the DVS once again wrote detailed blog reports from the Congress, which can be read in the following posts: [Day 1][Day 2][Day 3][Day 4][Day 5]