DVS Workshop “Met Meer Gemak Musiceren”

Workshop “Met meer gemak musiceren” – met Eileen McEwan

(English text below!)

In deze workshop gaat het over je lichaam en de ketens van beweging en stabilisatie. De ketens in het bindweefsel worden uitgelegd aan de hand van de Rolfing® benadering. Rolfing is een methode waarmee je je houding kunt verbeteren en je bewegingsvrijheid kunt vergroten. De workshop laat je ervaren hoe je met een goede houding en met bewustwording vrijer kunt bewegen bij het musiceren. De workshop wordt gegeven door Eileen McEwan. Zij is als altvioliste verbonden aan het Gelders Orkest en is sinds 2015 gecertificeerd als Rolfer®.

De workshop is toegankelijk voor studenten, jongeren, amateurs en professionals.

:  zondag 21 mei 2017,  13:30u – 17:30u
Locatie: Akoesticum, Ede (pal naast NS-station Ede-Wageningen)
Kosten:  €20,- voor deelname, Vrienden van DVS gratis!
Aanmelding: stuur een mail aan mail@dutchviolasociety.nl

Workshop “Playing the viola with more ease” – with Eileen McEwan

The workshop explains the chains of movement and stabilisation in your body according to the Rolfing® method.  Rolfing Structural Integration helps you improve your posture and freedom of movement. In the workshop you will experience the effects of good posture and increased awareness on your playing. The workshop will be given by Eileen McEwan violist in the Arnhem Philharmonic Orchestra and certified Rolfer since 2015.

The workshop is suitable for youths, students, amateurs and professionals.

Date:  Sunday May 21st 2017,  13:30h – 17:30h
Location: Akoesticum, Ede (right next to train station Ede-Wageningen)
Fee:  €20,- per participant, Friends of the DVS free admission!
Registration: send a mail to: mail@dutchviolasociety.nl

Eileen McEwan started playing the violin and switched to the viola at fifteen after getting to know the instrument playing in the Nederlands Jeugd Stijk Orkest. She studied viola at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague with Ferdinand Erblich, and in Salzburg at the Mozarteum with Thomas Riebl. Since 2000 Eileen has been working  as a sub-principal in the viola section at the Gelders Orkest (The Arnhem Philharmonic). Having an interest in improving posture and performance during playing the instrument she took Alexander Technique lessons and Chi Neng Chi Gung lessons. After being introduced to Rolfing® Structural Integration and finding Rolfing sessions  very effective she studied to be a Rolfer at the European Rolfing Association between 2013-2015. Currently she combines orchestral work with a Rolfing Practice in Ede (Akoesticum) and Oosterbeek.